Comment Policy

I’m glad you’re here!

But when commenting, remember–I want to keep my blog inclusive and free of harmful content. When you comment, imagine you’re saying it to the person’s face. If you can’t play nicely, I’ll take your ball and send you home. Or at the very least, delete the offending comment. Repeat offenders may be banned. Should I be more specific?

You should:

  • Be polite. It never hurts to be nice, and you’ll be much more likely to get a useful response when you’re civil.
  • Be genuine. You can use your real name or a comfortable pseudonym–just act like yourself. Don’t hate or imitate.
  • Have fun. Put on your comfy pants, and make yourself at home.
  • Think, then speak. I like people who are curious, eager, and creative. Have a comment? Got a question? Post it. Someone else is wondering the very same thing.

You should not:

  • Racism, sexism and bigotry will not be tolerated.
  • Provide links/trackbacks to obscene or inappropriate content. This includes using obscenities directed at people as well as being just plain mean.
  • Defame an individual or group, or violate any trademarks or copyrighted material.
  • Upload or link to viruses or other malicious code.
  • Encourage or advocate illegal activity or propose illegal activity.
  • Violate the privacy of others.
  • Promote commercial services or products unless relevant to the conversation.
  • Feed the trolls. It only encourages them.

These don’t cover every possible naughty (or nice) act. I reserve the right to reject or redact any comments or posts that violate the spirit, as well as the letter, of this policy.

NOTE: These guidelines may be revised or updated at any time, without notice.